Anxiety Disorders are on the rise globally. In fact, about 30% of all adults will suffer with one during their lifetimes. But what’s normal, often isn’t what’s optimal.

Everyone struggles with anxiety sometimes, so how can you tell whether you could benefit from anxiety treatment?

Let’s begin with the basics.

What Are Anxiety Disorders?

It’s normal to worry sometimes. We all have times when we feels stressed out. And as humans, there are times we face frightening situations.

But how do you know if your struggle with anxiety goes beyond that?  What exactly are anxiety disorders? Anxiety Disorders


Two Signs Of Anxiety Disorders.

There are no substitutes for a good evaluation and diagnosis that a qualified mental health professional provides.  But if you are wondering if you might be suffering from an anxiety disorder, here are two signs:

  • Anxiety interferes with your work, school or career
  • Your anxiety symptoms are chronic

Some common anxiety symptoms are:

  • Muscle tension
  • GI problems
  • Worry
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Forgetfulness
  • Racing heart
  • Shortness of breath

3 Questions To Ask Yourself

When patients I work with are wondering if they have an anxiety problem, I encourage them to reflect on 3 different factors. First, how frequent is your anxiety? Second, how intense are your anxiety symptoms? And third, how is anxiety impacting you?

Reflecting on these questions can help you get a more clear assessment of the level of severity of your own symptoms and can also help you to increase your motivation to change.

So What Can You Do?

  • Educate yourself about anxiety
  • Create habits that support a  calm body and peaceful mind
  • Get good anxiety treatment

Are There Effective Natural Treatments For Anxiety Disorders?

If you are struggling with the symptoms of an anxiety disorder, there is great news. We know quite a bit about how people develop anxiety symptoms, and what it takes to heal them.

Over the last few decades, it’s become increasingly understood that are brains and nervous systems are malleable. They have the ability tot grow, to change, and to develop new habits. So if you worry about the toll psychiatric drugs will take on your body, you can rest assured that there are many effective drug free treatments for anxiety. Our brains can be retrained.

Effective treatments modalities include:

  • Neurofeedback brain training (EEG Biofeedback)
  • Mindfulness Based CBT
  • Somatic psychotherapy

A good therapist will help you develop skills to better regulate your nervous system and calm your worried brain. Remember, many cultures teach skills that train and shape the brain and the nervous system. In fact, it’s hard to think of a tradition that does not employ some sort of brain changing technique. For example, meditation, prayer, movement practices and dance are all effective at helping you learn to control your state.

In addition to calming and regulating the nervous system, all of the above practices and potentially teach a practitioner two things. First, they can teach you how to control your attention. Second, they can grant you perspective, and a chance to decide what you think about your thoughts. Both of these skills are powerful allies to have on your side if you decide it’s time to take on your anxiety.


People Recover From Anxiety Disorders

You can learn to better manage anxiety, and you can also learn to heal it’s roots.

Would you like some help? Learn more about the anxiety therapy and treatment for anxiety.